How do I set up AI rules in Missive?

Before you can use AI rules, you need to connect the OpenAI integration to your Missive account. This integration establishes a secure connection between Missive and OpenAI's services, allowing for intelligent analysis of your email content.

To set up the integration:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Add integration > Pick OpenAI
  2. Follow the steps to connect your OpenAI account
  3. Once connected, you can create rules with AI conditions and actions in Settings > Rules

Note that all API usage costs associated with AI rules will be billed directly to your OpenAI account based on your usage. Missive does not charge additional fees for using the AI features beyond your regular subscription.

AI Rules are available for all Missive users on the Productive plan and above.

For optimal cost management, consider using standard conditions alongside AI conditions to limit when the AI is called.

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